
Saturday, September 8, 2012

DIY Corset Lingerie Shower invitation

I just realized I never posted the instructions on the DIY Lingerie Shower Invites I did for my best friend's lingerie shower that I hosted.

I used this tutorial as a guide (and you should too).  But since I like having pictures to follow I figured I'd post the ones I took as I was making them.

What you'll need...
Cardstock in the color you want the print to be on, scrapbook paper that goes with your color theme, lace and ribbon that matches, double sided tape and hot glue!

In Word or Illustrator, type out your invitation and try to make it small in the middle and wider on the top and bottom (like a figure).

Print it out and draw a corset around your words.... use envelope as your guide.  This may take a little bit of trial and error. :) p.s. excuse the smudged look on the invites... I tried my hand at photoshop to blur out the address and such for internet purposes... easier said than done!

Once you have a template for your invite, trace the bodice onto the back of the scrapbook paper.

Then match the paper up to your cardstock invites.

 Use some double sided tape to keep the middle together.  Now cut some lace to fit the top of the corset.

Dab some hot glue to keep the lace in place.

Cut your ribbon to match the legs and use some hoto glue to keep those in place as well.

I added some little sticky pearls for an extra touch!

 Ta-Da...super cute and unique handmade corset invitations! I put mine in pink envelopes since that was the other color in my theme.

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