
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

DIY- Cupcake Stand

Since I made my personal blog private, I thought I'd share a tutorial I did awhile back on a cupcake stand that Charlie and I made for my grandmother's 80th birthday bash. 

Before you start this project please know that it is very time consuming but to me, it was definitely worth the time for the finished product. 
Since I absolutely LOVE a theme so I started with the invitation that my grandmother and family designed and started my hunt for the perfect materials. 

Charlie and I went to Hobby Lobby on the search for supplies and we came up with these (plus lots of hot glue): 

I am just going to show the pictures of the steps as they occurred with a few comments, if you'd like to try this and can't figure something out just comment below. 

1.) Hot Glue cake boards together 

2.) Trace larger size cake boards onto fabric.  You'll use the size bigger to cover the tier below (for the bottom tier you'll have to do by hand).3.) Hot glue fabric onto edge of cake boards 

4.) Hot glue ribbon on the side of the cake boards on top of fabric5.) Use hot glue to glue buckets onto center of cake boards 
6.) We discovered that the fabric in the middle caused the stand to not be as sturdy so we used some straight pins to secure stand7.) Use cording to cover hot glue and pins 

Here is the finished product being used at the party: 

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