
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DIY "Tiny Dancer" Baby Shower Invitations

DIY "Tiny Dancer" Baby Shower Invitations

I have had several people ask me how I made the invitations for the "Tiny Dancer" themed baby shower I hosted a couple weeks ago so I figured I would do a picture tutorial. I had seen several DIY tutorials on cute ballerina cupcake toppers like these and these so I decided to leave off the toothpick and use them on my invitations to make them unique.

Here is what you'll need:

-Crepe Paper
-Scrapbook Paper
-Ballerina slipper stickers (mine were found at Hobby Lobby)
-And LOTS of hot glue :)

I got my envelopes first, then got Charlie to cut the grey cardstock so it would fit inside. Once that was done I made the invites in a word document and played around with them until they were slim enough to fit onto the cardstock with a nice size border. That part is up to you. :) Use some type of adhesive to stick the invite onto the cardstock (I used hot glue). Next it's on to the ballerina's.

First I cut out sweetheart top style bodices (like a heart with a flat bottom) out of my scrapbook paper, you could also do them to look more like a leotard with straps but I liked this look better:

Next I cut my crepe paper and tulle into strips. About 4 inches on the crepe paper and 3 inches on the tulle.

I don't have a picture of this step but use your fingers to bunch up the top of the crepe paper so it looks like a skirt and wrap the tulle around it so it looks like a tutu. Then hot glue the skirt to the bodice.

Last part of the ballerina's is to cut your ribbon in strips (mine were about 3-4 inches) and tie a knot. You could cut the ribbon longer and make a bow as well.

Next put a dollop of hot glue on the back on the ballerina and stick it to your invite.

Lastly, use your stickers to make little slippers peek out the bottom of the skirt to complete the look.

Here is the finished product:

One word of wisdom... because of the 3D effect on the invite, you may want to pay the extra for postage so it won't be sent through the postage machine.

Once I was finished with the invites I decided to keep making more and tie them into the party on the wreath and cupcakes. I was really excited with the finished product.

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