
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DIY Cowgirl Baby Shower Invitations

DIY Cowgirl Shower Invitations

I just love handmade invitations!  I think it's fun to customize and add special touches that just can't be done with a printer.  They are much more time consuming but the finished product is always well worth it! When we decided to throw our friend a cowgirl baby shower I started brainstorming ideas for western themed invitations that still had a girly flair.  This is what I came up with (pictured on wreath below).

The Supplies: Burlap, cardstock in the color of your choice, twine, a stamp, ink pad in your other theme color.  Not listed: 65lb White printer paper

After you have come up with your wording, Use a computer word formatting document (like Microsoft Word) to make your invite on the computer.  I used two columns and was able to fit two invites per sheet.  You may need to play with sizing.  Always use your envelope as a guide to sizing your invite.  Start with your colored cardstock by getting it to the perfect size then your top sheet will need to be slightly smaller.

Next Step, tear the paper so it fits on the cardstock with the color popping out underneath

 Stamp in the top center
 You could use a hole puncher for this next part but since I was wanting these to look rustic I wanted the holes to be hand punched so I used a push pin to get the hole started and then a nut cracker to finished the job

 Next measure your burlap to match the size of the cardstock
Now make a hole through the burlap (which is really easy because of the material)

Cut the twine and string it through the holes and tie a knot or bow (if it's going through the postal service and not hand delivered it may need to be a knot)!
Now use some double sided tape to make the top sheet stay in place

Ta Da! All done!

And here is the back!

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